Monday, January 31, 2011

Ready for Retirement!

"Well they wouldn't call it Work, if it wasn't", I am calling shenanigans on that statement. I suggest a minor alteration... "Well they wouldn't call it work, if it wasn't a waste of time that nobody likes to do!" Lets try to have a rational thought about what as humans we do 1/3 of our life. Who among us likes what they do? I assume that there are way to few of us, who wake up every morning excited about the upcoming day. I have always been the guy who "works to live, and not live to work", it affords me a comfortable life no where wealthy but very lucky to be in the place where I am. Thursday I went to a "Going Away" party for a boss, and it got me thinking about my career (which I am not even sure if that pertains to me since I put little effort into it), my job, my goals, and really pondering what the hell I want out of them. I have been content with the status quo and as one would understand it makes the daily grind all that more difficult.

I have been questioning lately my laissez faire approach when it comes to my work life. Don't get we wrong, I bust my hump for my company, for my client, but I don't have the drive to push for loftier goals. I have become complacent with my future...see that's me telling the half truth; the whole truth is I have not set any work goals for a long time, I see work as my meal ticket. that I do, so why can't I do it with my career. I guess I am almost asking you guys as my readers, is this destructive behavior? I just have never really had that drive? And now that I think about it... I don't think that I have had that drive with anything in my life...OUCH!!! - I think that I just answered my own question... **DING**LIGHTBULB** Or a H-Bomb being dropped on my head! I guess that's a reason for my daily adventure...

I want to encourage myself to find passion everything that I attempt with the drive and determination to follow thru... As much as everything in my life is so exciting right now, it is also incredibly depressing to think it was all right there in front of me and I ruined it; like defacing the Mona Lisa with a mustache the most beautiful thing was tainted, by me and I have to live with it. I want to share my passion, I am overflowed so be ready for a mushy, fun loving, emotional man that is ready to lay on you readers!!There is no way to focus on the positive at every moment, only the fact that there is a tomorrow and I am going to see it...

"Baby Steps, Baby Steps, Baby Steps" - Bill Murray - What about bob?

- Cheers

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