Without a whim or care in the world today I set out onto this big blue pearl with the intension of following wherever the wind would take me. No plans, expectations, or places to be. I walked down to the nearest bus stop and hopped on; free from deadlines even time itself stood for me because I couldn't bother. The entire day was ahead of me, the world was the proverbial oyster that only a select few who strived for with all their heart and determination ever had the pleasure in holding.
Sounds pretty sweet huh! An in the immortal words/sounds of The Price is Right (which hold the only true rules to govern life on this earth) Duh Duh Duh Duuunnnnhhhh, Beeeewwwwwwhhhhhh!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ytCEuuW2_A). The fantastic idea was short lived! Not due to the routes I chose, the people I met, and certainly not the times I spent investigating the surrounding areas where I decided to get off. I had a wonderful time walking through North Park, Hillcrest, and Downtown - stopping at local shops, tirelessly searching for my next bus stop to take me into the wildly unknown. And yet still, I was overwhelmingly unfulfilled, empty inside... peaks and valley's huh... UH OH!!!
* Disclaimer: The rest of this post will be a little somber, so if your on a high, just pass it by (Dr. Suess ain't got shit on me). My goal is to keep these posts brutally honest, but have a light hearted and fun time expressing and sharing my experience with my readers... We should chuckle, laugh, and maybe if I write the right way, make us think. But today I need to express my true "dark" feelings, so if you have made it this far and wish to continue do so at your own risk!! (Overly dramatic, and I seem to have that problem quite often)
If anyone has taken public transit anywhere in the world, there is always at least one (never fails) crazy emotionally unstable person who makes all the passengers uncomfortable... And you guessed it, IT WAS ME!!! (See the sound effect above) Have you ever experienced a time in your life when your emotions possess you? A time when they have gained control of your body, where you have become just an innocent bystander trapped in the vessel that is your own body? Well I do, and it happened some where between Old Town & Santee Trolley Center.
This is a hard question to ask (silly almost): Do you know how awkward crying in public is? Pretty fucking (excuse my language) embarrassing, and yet so relieving. I don't want to get into the specifics (those who know, know (10/5th)... and not important), but sure enough I was overcome by, my thoughts/emotions and they had become to much for me to handle. As people stared on at this hopeless soul, I could of cared less... The only thing that mattered were my tears raining down from my face, escaping the jail that I had sentenced them to. Free at Last, Oh Lord Free At Last! What a relief!! It just happened in the wrong place :(.
Luckily I was headed to a good place, to be surrounded by people that I love, and who love me... Lessoned learned, I am not bigger than anything including myself, not my thoughts, nor my feelings. All I am is Justin (Insert your name here) - no matter the time or the place.
- Cheers
You are an amazing young man Justin Summers!
ReplyDeleteI am so proud of you Justy! Confronting your thoughts/emotions is never an easy thing to do, and even though it seemed like the worst place possible for this to happen, you were able to overcome that and find the relief and freedom in letting go. You took a big step Just and I am glad I was able to be there to give you a big hug after:) LOVE YOU<3