Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tata's 75th Blow-Out!!

(Saturday 2-12-11)

THE BIG 75!! My Tata the life of this family, the man with the smile for days, and the jokes that can and will last as long... The man that will hopefully live forever! (I know that he won't and he even jokes that he has made his peace, but there is that little piece of my heart that hopes he will, cause a lot of us will be lost without him... Wow already a blubbering, crying idiot and we're talking about a momentously happy time.)

OHH WHAT A NIGHT!!! I haven't see that many beaner's in one place since a pot of pinto beans on the stove! It was just like a 1980 Ford E Series Van with no windows had just crossed the border and backed up into my moms garage, when dozens of men with dirty sanchez's hopped out with slicked black hair under a cowboy hat and boots that could put an eye out, and tens of women piled out with 3 pound orange bags for sale! We all know that those are the best family members on the face of this earth, no other race can compare... cause face it folks for Mexicans family is all we got!! With no less then 40 people present and the occasional white face sprinkled in, (hey we don't want to be cited of holding a racist rally) we began the fiesta that shook the house like a Boeing 757 flying directly overhead.

Ok so I am exaggerating just a little (yes a very very little) as we are domesticated in the slightest sense, but none of us possessing an indoor voice ESPECIALLY UNCLE RUBE, noted by my yelling out of the window of my moms house (let me preface it by saying that my mom has started to install a winery in her large yard... it was just so perfect that all the beaners parked below). I noticed them walking up the dirt hills, when I said, "Ustedes ven aqui! Quieres una cervesa para su trabajo malo" (OK high school spanish rears it's ugly head!) What I roughly said, or what I understand it to say granted its most likely wrong, "You guys come here! Want a beer for your bad work!" Not bad for me I guess, and it is one of my regrets that I haven't strived to learn the language... Hmmm... maybe another adventure???

With everyone in the house the walls reverberated with laughs, stories, jokes, and most of all love! We had family that we rarely get to see down from LA, but it always seems that we never loose a step. Although this time was different, everyone was so much older, the kids were bigger, and life has changed so much. The thing that wasn't missed is the love!! I can't stress that enough. I thought it was going to be hard to be around all of those people for me since the tough times that have surrounded me lately. But it was a safe place, where I couldn't help being perfectly open and honest with everyone, I was at home, surrounded by the people that make a place a home. Wow this is sounding so selfish cause the party wasn't even for me but I couldn't help but take away all the positivity that radiated around me.

The food was amazing! It always is, and that's enough to be said about that! Out of all the good that was taken away, it was as close to perfect that I can come to right now. There was a missing piece, a missing feeling, the fact that I was never able to share this experience breaks me down. I know that I have no control over it, but the feeling will be there and will always be there. the healing process feels like a glacier migrating down to warmer waters, and all I want to be is on board with Keanu Reeves on the bus that can't go slower than 55... It's really hard to constantly keep your eyes on the prize, but the prize I've realized is far to precious and far to necessary for survival.

Happy Birthday Tata!! I love you, I know you know how I feel about you! And I hope you consider jumping out of a plane with me someday!

- Cheers

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