Thursday, February 10, 2011

Quiet Time with Justin Summers

After an exciting extremely busy weekend, I had a case of the Monday's and thought it would be best to take it nice and easy. What a perfect time to test that little rascal that eludes me, patience... Hmm, but how to do it?? In this technological age there is always a distraction, something to turn on and fill the void, slaying boredom forever. The problem is we as a society have come dependent on these devices to make it thru the day. For myself I have spent many of nights in front of the IDIOT BOX, with my computer on surfing the web, while texting, and occasionally playing Black Ops (actually that what happens most nights). The one good thing about this blog it has kinda taken me away from this negative daily ritual, and force me out into the world. But on this particular Monday I wanted nothing to do with it, I wanted to sit, relax, watch and vegetate but I had not done my adventure for the day :( was at a loss... until **BLING** a light bulb came on. How about a night with out anything technological???

First and foremost I want each and every one of you to try this at some point, and tell me about your experience. This was nearly impossible!! And when I mean nothing... I MEAN NOTHING! No TV, XBOX, computer, radio, oven, stove, microwave, vacuum, washing machine, diswasher, nothing turned on. So I did warrant myself 1 light on at a time, but that is it for an entire evening! Me and da boys with our thoughts, and thoughts alone, so it's safe to say that we got bored really quickly. Until you have tried this you don't really know how hard that it is, and how much you rely on technology as a source of entertainment. I know that I can only speak for myself but as crazy hard as it was it really put perspective on my use and sometimes abuse of my time.

There is no telling what I could accomplish with the amount of time that I waste everyday with mindless drooling in front of some confounded modern marvel. I find myself nearing the end of the day and saying "Man I can't wait to get out of here and go home and relax and watch TV and mess around on the computer". Really??? Not only do I spend all day on the computer looking at a screen, I can't wait to do it when I get home... Doesn't really seem logical does it? Then again who ever said that I was logical. So with my one light as my guide I dove into my book, and shared some salad with the boys! I was able to finish my book, Playing for Pizza, which was pretty good and got me super excited to start traveling; which is too little to late I know but I can only hope I get another chance.

The house was quite, silent actually which made me feel afraid for some reason, I think that one of the reasons I have something on is the safety blanket of company. I think that maybe I have a fear of loneliness, of a fear of just quite which most likely stems from my childhood, the fact that there was always someone around; someone there. The quite made me very uncomfortable and I was on edge for most of the evening, an anxiousness that I could not shake for the life of me. The kind of feeling that forces you hear even the slightest of sounds, all of them, hell even ones that you make up what you think to hear. What did people do in the olden days from going insane?

As the night dragged un it became increasing apparent that I needed that security blanket, that without it I was just a scared man all alone in the world. I mean I have the TV on when I'm cooking, knowing full well I can't see it or care what is on. Very reveling, not sure that it made me feel better about myself, but not everything that you realize about yourself is and in the end isn't better to know. I implore all of you to try it, experience how hard it is, and see if you can make it because I almost didn't. I will be doing this more often, it really slows life down and let's you be one with yourself... and now that I like that guy its a fun time.

How is a computer like an air conditioner?

When you open Windows it won't work!

After Bill Gates wedding night, his wife finally knew why he called his company Microsoft.

- Cheers

PS - For those haters who say, "But Justin you used your phone to take the pictures!!!" HAHA thought ahead, I took theses photos the next day! Suck it loser!

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